Music and the Dragonfly Temple Chronicles

If anyone were to ask me what my muse is for the Dragonfly Temple Chronicles, I would say music. I listen to it every day, without fail. I even have a Spotify list you can listen to with all the music that inspires my scenes and stories.

I suppose all the other senses also contribute, but not as powerfully as music. I often burn incense when I write. I have a collection of images that resemble the characters living inside my head. But music is the one element that evokes deep powerful emotions and play out scene-by-scene the chapters I am writing.

No one ever asks me what my muse is. Probably because I don’t talk to many other writers other than my husband and adopted fan kid. Sure, I have other friends here and there and relatives I mention it to, but not to where they understand. I meanĀ really get it. This isn’t any particular fault of theirs, we just don’t have the time for me to demonstrate it in a way they would immediately see its power and beauty.

I hope by sharing this information with you, you will begin to understand and appreciate the writing process I am invested in to bring you this amazing series of stories. If you can actually envision it while these tracks play, you are a true Child of Whocate.

Link to Stellardrone, the premiere album in my Spotify playlist. This album is FREE to anyone who wants to download it. I donated $20.00 because the value it has in inspiring my work in the Dragonfly Temple Chronicles is so important. I hope you will also gift the artist a donation of whatever you can afford to also show your appreciation of their work. It is up to you.

Links to purchase the albums in my Spotify playlist:

If you would like to connect to my playlist, you need to do it through Facebook by connecting with my personal page here. Just let me know you read this article and want to connect via Spotify.


)O( Luna

(original post of October 9, 2019 updated 9/25/22 & 5/17/20)