Here’s the short list of what’s been going on the past few weeks:
A New Name – I never named the world of The Dragonfly Temple Chronicles before now. Then suddenly it came to me one day. And the name is perfect. Henceforth, the world the provinces of Mountainville, Moonville and Plainsville are a part of will be called “Anisoptera” – which is the scientific name for Dragonflies.
Discord – setting up the categories & roles for Patreon members is complete. Now am going to hit the task of filling it up with content. There’s nothing more disappointing than getting invited to an empty party with no entertainment and no snacks!
Whocate Website – added my running tallies for writing for the Dragonfly Temple Chronicles for the past five years. You can view them here. Also added a new poll feature that will poll visitors separately from Patrons here on the paid platform.
Video Content – refamiliarized myself with my video editing software & setup in my studio. Am planning to shoot & edit a new progress video in the next couple of days. Look for that to be posted here before Sunday’s end. Hopefully sooner than later, but have a heavy workload right now, so it’s stuck in a queue behind some more pressing priorities – those which pay the rent.
Writing – The Dragonfly Temple Chronicles – put in over 3,000 words in two days on a new chapter called, “Ghost’s End”. It’s complete and am pushing ahead to tie it to the chapters that come before it and after so I can have a larger section of storyline done for Patrons to view. Also, it’s a MAJOR SPOILER, so I don’t want it out there before you know anything about the character. It’s a monster story-arc, so bear with me. Will dig up some content that’s more complete for readers while I complete this section.
King Sombra’s Crystal Empire – yes, I am working on King Sombra stories again. This one is a commissioned, epic-long tale for Patron Blue Heart. It’s called, “The King of El Dorado” and bless him, Blue Heart is doing the artwork for it! Have 21 written chapters to review and fix some timeline discrepancies. Thank you for your patience, Lorenzo. You’re a gem! I will showcase some of his pieces here ahead of publication. Look for that soon, too.
Back to work. Keep cool. It’s HOT out there!
)O( Luna Whoticore